Learning to write our names

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In our Mighty Oaks room, we have some amazing early literacy learning happening with the tamariki (children).  With the introduction of our name tags into the learning environment, there has been a growing interest in taking ownership of our names and writing these onto our artwork, this increases children’s sense of mana/pride over their wonderful creations.

Recently, one of our kaiako (teachers) set up a table where the tamariki could write their names and also words of other members of their whaanau to link to their wider world. The tamariki were extremely interested by this, requesting kaiako to write different names so that they could write them also. Once they found their name and finished their work the tamariki initiated sticking these on the wall to proudly display these. Ka pai to mahi nga hoa - great work friends, such tumeke - awesome work!

Tamariki showed such interest, focus and sustained engagement as they engaged with this literacy experience.  Some of our older tamariki are demonstrating amazing letter recognition and are competent at writing letters from memory or copy letter formations from the kaiako.

So wonderful to see our tamariki direct their own learning!