Let's Get Creative at BestStart St Andrews!

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Our pepe have been exploring Gloop! Instead of just getting their fingers in it, the pepe decided to get into it! As their kaiako, we encouraged our friends to jump in and explore with their tinana and their senses. 

Korihori pōrehe (Messy play) is such a fun part of your child's learning here in the pukeko room. Messy play supports our tamariki to explore and learn through all of their senses. Tamariki naturally use their senses to explore their environment. While the five senses – taste, smell, sight, sound, and touch – are well known, there are also internal senses such as balance, position, and movement. Messy play activities differ from other types of play as the emphasis on the senses amplifies the activity. Messy play also supports scientific thinking, which involves enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching, and investigating. 

We just love having fun here at BestStart St Andrews, and we can see that our tamariki love it as well through their interactions and engagement. We have our huge outdoor areas here that we can explore and create in, where messy play is a world for our imagination. Nurturing and supporting our tamariki to get involved is what we love to do!