Lets get moving about

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Over the last few months our children in Te Whare have really been challenging themselves to see how far they can jump, how high they can climb, how well can they balance, how fast can they slide, or how fast they can run! They have supported and encouraged each other because it’s more fun being physical with your friends. Is it possible for children under two, to already be feeling a little bit of competition with each other? We have seen that if their friend can do it, they want to do it and they want to do it better! Physical play is a great way for our tamariki to learn about how their bodies work and what they can do. With each new accomplishment they are building their confidence in themselves and becoming ready to take that next challenge. When they are older this control over their muscles will help them learn to write. For now they are having fun testing and trialling what they can do and how far they can go.