Let’s go on a hīkoi!


What an adventurous morning our tamariki had as we explored the local Ōmokoroa state park! A few of our Piwakawaka and Kōtare tamariki headed out into our beautiful community as part of our curriculum focus this term, "Tangata Whenua | Our People, our world".

Ōmokoroa is a growing community and our centre has many views from the fence where lots of people and things move around us. As the children often see people walking past the centre through our fence they always watch and observe as the world around them moves. Through observation and planning, we will be using science and nature play to provide the children with opportunities to explore their ideas about the natural world and learn about the people and world around them. This sort of play encourages children to develop their curiosity, ask questions, investigate their environment, and learn about different ways to find answers. Participating in this excursion allowed us to watch and observe as the world moved around us. 

We had a few exciting stops along the way to the skate park. We were very lucky and the timing of the train and our walk aligned. the tamariki were able to stop and watch as the train drove past under the bridge. Once the train passed we carried on our way to the park where our next adventures awaited. The tamariki enjoyed swinging, sliding, running, and playing the xylophone all while exploring the different textures, colours and sounds of their natural world around them. This hīkoi (walk) was a great way for our tamariki to develop their relationships with people places and things, whilst developing a sense of belonging to the community. We look forward to our next hīkoi in the community.