Letters and Pictures for Santa!

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This week we have been making this fantastic looking post box to send our pictures and letters directly to the south pole.

The Children in the Pikorua room have spent all week perfecting their letters to Santa and making some fabulous art to post in our post box, we were all eager to make sure we got our letters into the post box in time to send them all the way to the North pole!

 When holding a brush or pencil children gain muscle control and develop their fine motor skills which sets the foundation for learning to write. Through their artwork, children represent ideas and things they are familiar with like whanau, home life and the things around them. Teachers support children’s communication skills as they ask them to describe their creations. We could see a lot of this going on here as they worked alongside their peers chatting away to each other.

We often do a group mural on a fence or wall that allows children to make a cooperative painting and discuss their ideas with each other. Its great to see our centre vision shining through where children are curious and active explorers.

We are all very excited to see if we get letters back from Santa in the coming weeks!