Level Three Lockdown-Haratua/May 2020
As Aotearoa moves through the challenges posed by the global Covid 19 pandemic, our centre reopened at level three. Over the previous five weeks we had stayed in contact with our tamariki, pēpi and whānau through our online platform Storypark, which was wonderful. It was a brilliant way for us all to feel whanaungatanga and keep connected. Kaiako were very brave moving into a new way of teaching and coming to grips with the joys of technology, videoing cooking segments, science experiments, birthday celebrations, waiata, reading pukapuka and just checking in to say, “Hi!”. Next, we moved into level three which saw most of our kaiako back in the centre and ten tamariki and pēpi in our bubble.
We had a lovely time renewing friendships and learning our new “normal.” We all took care of each other as this was an unknown and uncertain time. Our team of kaiako, tamariki and pēpi weathered the challenge brilliantly, ensuring we were all okay in every way. We welcomed our axolotl, Casper, back to centre after her holiday away and we got busy in the gardens which had been neglected. There was lots of cleaning to keep us safe and some renewing of our displays and learning environment. It was a special time. Then it was level two! More of our friends returned and we got back to the centre life we all love.