Library Trip at BestStart Beckenham

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Today we went on a little stroll down to our local library. There were many interesting things to look at on our way. People on bikes, cars, dogs, buses and trucks, and even an airplane in the sky. However, we didn’t see any ducks in the Heathcote River (maybe a little chilly out for the ducks today). 

When we arrived at the library, the Kaiako and Tamariki walked quietly around the library, chose some books, chatted with some other children who were there, and we even did some arts and crafts. It was a little tricky to use our quiet voices sometimes. As we explored around the library, the Tamariki found the letter that their name started with, with our older children finding all the letters in their names. What clever Tamariki!

We all had a great time exploring and reading with Lisa and Bridgette. What a great experience to explore our local library and our local surroundings. We are very fortunate to have such amazing places in our community that we can visit regularly. Ka pai to everyone who walked down, everyone did such an amazing job at holding hands and crossing the road as well.