Linking Colour and Light into our Classroom Rituals

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We have strong rituals around our resilience and emotions in the Putangitangi ruma where Kaiako and tamariki use different colours to represent emotions we are feeling based on the book "A Rainbow in my Heart" Today we used a fun art activity to discuss this further and to learn more about colour and light as a science experience. Nga tamariki used different lengths of cellophane to stick on the paper to make a stain glass window. Discussions were held around the different concepts of light ranging from what was transparent, translucent and opaque. The group decided that our stain glass window we were making fell under the category of translucent. Whilst engaged in this experience, Nicky one of our Kaiako took the opportunity to revisit with tamariki what colours they were feeling in their hearts and to match up the coloured cellophane to the emotion they were feeling, then place it on the sticky paper. We decided after seeing what the end result was that due to the many colours on the paper this represented that we were feeling excited linking this to what our book had mentioned. This is another way to promote our rituals in our class on a daily basis.