Linking To Our Community

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Community learning - It is very important that our children at BestStart Hillcrest make community connections understand their place within our community and learn from our beautiful town. We invite experts from our community to visit our centre to share their expertise such as Police, Librarians, Dental nurses, and animal experts. 

At BestStart Hillcrest we have regular visitors to our centre who teach and expose our tamariki to new experiences and share their skills. These include Matua Grant who visits fortnightly and is teaching our tamariki, whanau and kaiako waiata, dance and legends from our area.  

Te Aroha visits our centre monthly; she is from the Rotorua Public library and provides our children with, music, movement, craft, and stories. we work in collaboration with her, and she plans these visits around what the children’s interests are at the time of her visit, these have a strong focus on Te Reo and localised experiences.