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Here at BestStart St Andrews we are so lucky to have Hamilton Gymnastics right on our back doorstep! Our 3-4 year olds take advantage of this by visiting every Thursday for their own private gymnastics lesson. The tamariki love to jump, bounce, swing, tightrope walk and stretch, providing them with further development of their gross motor skills. Gymnastics has so many other benefits, where our tamariki get to work together, grow their confidence, experiment at their own pace, all with the understanding that trying new things out are important and valued ways of learning. Physical active play supports learning across all strands of Te Whariki, in particular the Exploration strand - Mana aoturoa - Children see themselves as explorers, able to connect with and care for their own and wider worlds. We are lucky to have parent help every week who are fun and and caring towards our tamariki. We love to share our experience with our whaanau at the end of the day, and tell them all about the exciting opportunities we got to do that day. The staff at Hamilton City Gymnastics are so welcoming and make our time there so much fun. We can't wait to go back next week!