Lockdown Learning at Bay Kindy
When the whole of New Zealand went into level 4 lockdown on the 18th of August, we here at BestStart Bay Kindy made a plan to ensure all our tamariki were supported with learning experiences for them to engage in at home. The experiences ranged from storytelling with Jessica to baking with Kelly-Anne to puff painting with Angie. The teachers were great at uploading videos daily and the families response to them was even more amazing. We heard daily how much the children were missing us as they watched us on their parent's devices and these messages were shared along with them doing the experiences themselves on Story Park.
For some Lock down was a time for rest, a time for family and a time for learning. The team here at Bay Kindy were so happy to be there for our tamariki and whanau over that time and we loved and appreciated the wonderful feedback given by our parents with them saying how much their child enjoyed the learning.