Making Connections with our Taradale Community!

Today, we went for a walk around Taradale, enjoying the fresh air and exploring our local community. The children had a wonderful time, greeting our friends at Four Square and visiting their favorite spot, the pet shop. We have practically brought the whole pet shop anyway! These outings are fantastic for the children, as they love making connections with our community and experiencing the vibrant local environment. When children are involved in their community, they develop a range of valuable skills and knowledge:

Social Skills-Interacting with diverse groups of people helps children learn communication, cooperation, and empathy.

Sense of Belonging-Being part of a community fosters a sense of identity and belonging, which is crucial for emotional development

Responsibility and Independence- Participating in community activities teaches children responsibility and encourages independence..

These experiences collectively support holistic development, making children more well-rounded and engaged individuals here at BestStart Taradale.