Making it count

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Despite the National Lockdown and the uncertainty it provided the Country as a centre we knew we needed to make the time count!

We set out to support our families through our BestStart @home programme where continue to engage with our families online via StoryPark – prior to lockdown and our families being so busy our engagement wasn’t huge and we knew during the lockdown we wanted to make sure we kept our families engaged, we wanted to building on creating stronger links with our families, provide ongoing leaning opportunities for our children and to ensure that we were doing all we can to continue helping our children and families smile!

Over the Level 4 lockdown we created weekly programmes that provided families and teachers lots of opportunities to use what they had at home to teach, share and connect with each other. We also learnt the world of Zoom and how much fun we can continue to have through our computers and devices. As the centre opened in Level 3 our online learning continued and we continued to make links with the few children that needed to return to the centre which made it lots more fun seeing and sharing what we were doing in multiple spaces.

We all got physical together, we baked and created crafts, we dressed up, we celebrated Easter and Anzac in very new ways, we supported charities, we got to know each other’s families and we got to build on our community of learners together!

As we came out of Level 4 our hearts were full and we now carry the memories of the fun, the connections, the learning and the opportunities that we created over the Level 4 and Level 3 lockdown periods.

Since returning to the centre in Level 3 we have already seen the benefits that our ongoing engagement has created through a warm and excited return for those children who have returned to the centre and we cannot wait to continue our online learning and have all of our children return to the centre over the coming weeks!