Making the most of Matariki at BestStart Stoddard Road


Celebrating Matariki provides an opportunity to explore the values, key competencies, and principles of The New Zealand Curriculum. Matariki is more than just a cause for celebration and kai. 

It’s also an opportunity for all New Zealanders to come together with Māori communities to learn their stories, culture, and language, as well as engage in some rich learning opportunities. Matariki is generally seen as an important time to celebrate the earth and show respect for the land. It is also a time to acknowledge those who have passed away and to plan for the year ahead.  

Matariki provides an opportunity to bring The New Zealand Curriculum principles to life, especially the principles relating to the Treaty of Waitangi, community engagement, and cultural diversity. It is also a chance for children to explore the values of diversity, community, participation, and respect for self and others. At BestStart Stoddard we are always seeking authentic and meaningful ways to integrate and naturalise Te Ao Māori in our practice, policies, and philosophy. 

Matariki provides a wonderful gateway to explore deeper learning and discussion about the Māori worldview. For our community we make most of Matariki as a time for learning, but also celebration and togetherness.