Mana Reo - Kauri group planning


Mana Reo (Communication) is our group planning focus in the Kauri room and links to majority of our parent aspirations around each child developing and strengthening their literacy skills, expressing themselves and becoming confident and capable learners. 

One of the major cultural tasks for children in the early years is to develop competence in and understanding of language. Languages are the means by which we think and communicate with each other. We typically think of languages as consisting of words, sentences and stories, but there are also languages of sign, mathematics, visual imagery, art, dance, drama, rhythm, music and movement. 

At this time they are learning to communicate their experience in different ways; they are also learning to interpret the ways in which others communicate and represent experience. They are developing increasing competence in symbolic, abstract, imaginative and creative thinking. 

Te Whariki intended learning outcomes for our tamariki: 

  • Enjoying hearing stories and retelling and creating them | he kōrero paki. 
  • Recognising print symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose | he kōrero tuhituhi. 
  • Recognising mathematical symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose | he kōrero pāngarau.
  • Expressing their feelings and ideas using a wide range of materials and modes | he kōrero auaha.