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This month in the PikoPiko ruma (room) we have been busy working on our manakitanga. We are learning about aroha, kindness, support, respecting each other and learning to care for each other. We have been doing this is so many ways, we are learning to care for our baby dolls, giving them bottles, taking them on walks. As well as our pepe of the room, making sure we help each other, especially those who aren't quite able to help themselves just yet. Being a kind e hoa and supporting our new e hoa (friends) who have just joined the center and are finding it a little hard to be away from mum and dad. Reassuring and supporting each other during those hard moments. This also includes helping us kaiako, putting toys away, helping put bottles on the bench for us, grabbing a cloth or a bib. We have also been very busy learning about consent and boundaries. Asking for a cuddle and understanding it is okay if our e hoa (friends) don't want the physical touch at that point in time, that its okay and we respect that choice. As well as what no might look like when someone is uncomfortable and telling you no, either with their body language or their words.