Many new faces

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Our BestStart Te Aroha whaanau have been busy welcoming many new faces recently.  We are excited to see our family grow and love to embark on new learning journeys with all of our new children.  We have enjoyed some lovely warm sunny days which has allowed the tamariki to explore through lots of messy play and warm water play!  We were excited to celebrate this month with our special kaiako Colleen who received a well deserved 'unsung hero nomination' from one of our whaanau.  We have proudly displayed our brand new, very special Korowai which will be worn by our tamariki when they graduate to the over two's or off to kura.  We loved getting back out into the community last week for a visit to the Te Aroha Library where we really enjoyed the fun story time and music session.

Our pepi have been enjoying some new toys and resources including the new building blocks.  Nga tamariki in Whare Tamariki continue to explore lots of loose part play and open ended exploration through their focus on S.T.E.M learning