Matai room Blog - Holiday programme Highlights


Our current planning is continuing to focus on Whanaungatana/Relationships. We have been working together to learn about taking turns and helping each other. We also have had fun during the holiday program! 

Some of our highlights have been Wheels Day, where we bought bikes from home to play with and show our friends and Kaiako, we loved zooming around the playground! 

Then on Book day, we read and shared our favourte books with each other from home. It was exciting to see what everyone's favourites were and some even had moveable pieces which we were keen to explore! 

On Earth Day, bought in some natural materials to explore from home and ripped up some recycled paper with some water in the trough to attempt to make our own paper. 

On Special Persons Day, we had some wonderful visitors to come and play with us. Thanks again to all who came along! 

Our holiday program has been a great opportunity to develop links between home and the centre. Through sharing books, bikes and having our special people come to visit continues to strengthen our Whanaungatana, as we are sharing what is part of us and creating opportunities to contribute which links to Te Whāriki through the strand Contribution/Mana Tangata.