Mataraki Celebrations with our Infants


This month, our centre came alive with the spirit of Matariki, the Maori New Year. This special time provided us with the opportunity to teach our tamariki about Maori culture and traditions and to engage in a range of activities that celebrated renewal, reflection, and connection. 

To kick off the festivities, our tamariki participated in star-themed crafts. They enjoyed creating beautiful star pastings, star collages, and magic wands adorned with star shapes. These activities not only sparked their imaginations but also helped them understand the significance of the Matariki stars. 

Music and song played a central role in our Matariki celebrations. Our tamariki learned the song ‘Tirama Tirama Matariki’, which they sang with great enthusiasm. We also incorporated traditional Maori songs like ‘Ata Mārie’, ‘Tēnā Koe’, and ‘Pakipaki’, enriching our daily routines with cultural melodies. 

The kaiako also decorated the rooms, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere that everyone enjoyed. The decorations, featuring stars and Maori symbols, added a special touch to our learning environment and made the celebration even more memorable. 

We look forward to carrying the spirit of Matariki forward, continuing to learn, grow, and celebrate together as a community. 

Happy Matariki to all!