Matariki Celebration 2020
Indicated by the rising of the star constellation known as Matariki, the Maori New Year marks a time for connecting with, and giving thanks to the land, sea and sky. It is a time for the community to come together to farewell those departed and acknowledge the year gone by. Matariki was also a time to turn to the future, welcoming the new generation to the world and planning for the year ahead.
As part of our bicultural commitment, celebrating Matariki, the Maori New Year, is a regular happening in our centre, this year we celebrated Matariki with our tamariki and whaanau by singing waiatas and sharing kai. Tamariki made star shaped cookie and then they brought some vegetables from home to make vegetable soup. Our centre cook Lei also made fried bread to eat with the soup. Together we worked hard on making the kai and performing waiatas but the highlight of the celebration was the experience of coming together and sharing kai.
Thank you to all families and extended families who actively participated the Matariki celebration on Friday 10th July. It is these moments that make all of us feel more connected and integrated.