Matariki Celebration with Whānau and Community

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The centre recently hosted a celebration for Matariki, inviting whānau to participate in giving back to our local community. We encouraged whānau to donate non-perishable items for the local food bank and animal food for the SPCA. Throughout the week, ngā tamariki engaged in discussions about the significance of Matariki to Tangata Whenua and the diverse cultures of our families/whānau. Together we recognised Matariki as a time to reflect on the past and remember our ancestors, as well as to plan for the future. In our centres garden, we harvested crops and planted new vegetables, in line with these reflections and future plans. Whānau were invited to join ngā tamariki in various activities, including art, waiata/songs, kani kani/dancing and reading legends. 

Together we explored the many areas of play. During whāriki/mat-time gatherings, we discussed the values important to all of us, focusing on caring for one another and our natural environment. Ngā tamariki/children prepared the kūmara for the soup that we made to share by using vegetable peelers to peel them. Several parents very kindly brought some kai for us all to share at lunchtime. The learning experiences that were evident during Matariki were Manakitanga:People's ability to extend aroha/love and help each other. Kaitiakitanga: following tikanga and caring for natural resources.Whakapapa: Genealogy of the history of tipuna/ancestors. Whanaungatanga: A sense of belonging and getting to know one another, whānau support, inclusiveness and connections. We believe at our centre "Whangaia ka tupu ka puawai/That which is nurtured... blossoms and grows."