Matariki Celebrations

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At BestStart Kaikorai Valley Road, our tamariki have been immersed in the rich traditions and meanings of Matariki, a time of renewal and reflection in Te Ao Māori. Guided by Te Rautaki Mātauranga, Tātaiako and Te Whāriki, New Zealands' Early Childhood Curriculum, our journey into Matariki has been a joyous exploration of culture, community, and learning. Throughout this special season our tamariki have engaged in meaningful group discussions, delving into what Matariki means to them personally as well as to our wider community. 

They have expressed their new learning and understandings through toi (art), waiata (song), and pūrākau (stories), connecting with local myths and legends that embody the spirit of this celebration and our community. A highlight for our tamariki, whānau and kaiako was our Matariki celebration night, where our tamariki proudly shared some vegetable soup they had made with their loved ones. This celebration not only bought us together to share kai (food), but also featured heartfelt waiata performances by our tamariki. 

We were also honoured by welcoming our neighbouring school Kaikorai Valley College's Kapa Haka Rōpū 'Maranga Rangatahi', whose performance opened our evening with grace and spirit. Through these experiences, we nuture not only cultural understanding but also the values of whanaungatanga (relationships), manaakitanga (hospitality), and kotahitanga (unity). 

Our celebration of Matariki embodies the essence of learning through play, creativity, and shared experiences, enriching the lives of our tamariki, whānau and wider learning community alike. "Whāngaihia te ara whakapakari a ngā uri whakatapu - Nourish the pathway of growth for future generations".