Matariki Evening at BestStart Aidanfield


On Wednesday the 12th July, we had our annaul Matariki Celebration at our centre. We encouraged all our whanau in the lead up to this evening to contribute a vegetable to make soup with. Our wonderful cook Josh, then made lots of soup, and some fry bread, for all our tamariki and whanau to enjoy. To celebrate Matariki and help with our sense of belonging and community, Charlotte, one of our Teachers in Training, encouraged all of our whanau and tamariki to design a feather. Charlotte then made them all into a korowai/cloak for our centre. Charlotte then revealed it at our Matatriki whanau night, and thanked all of our families for their help and support in creating the beautiful korowai. Everyone had a really nice evening, and it was a great opportunity for whanau to come together and have some shared kai. It was special to be able to host a whanau night, since covid times, as we have found it tricky in the past to make this happen with so much sickness in the community. It was a really special opportunity for whanau to have casual conversations with kaiako, in an unhurried setting.