Matariki Evening at BestStart Papamoa Plaza


A magical Matariki evening at BestStart Papamoa Plaza brought together families and children for a celebration of culture and connection. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the warm glow of lanterns illuminated the outdoor space, creating an enchanting atmosphere. 

Families gathered to share kai (food) that symbolised abundance and togetherness. Laughter and conversation filled the air as children and parents adorned themselves with traditional Māori designs, embracing the spirit of the occasion. In a circle, everyone joined in waiata (songs) that honored the Matariki star cluster and paid homage to our ancestors. The Matariki makarena was a hit, and so was Twinkle Twinkle. The evening culminated in a breathtaking starlit dance by Mel, where families swayed together, symbolising unity and the cycle of life. 

As the evening came to a close, a sense of gratitude and connection lingered, reminding everyone of the importance of family, culture, and the celestial bonds that tie us all. Through this Matariki evening, the centre not only imparts knowledge but also encourages unity, creativity, and a strong sense of community. Children left with their minds full of newfound knowledge and their hearts brimming with the joy of shared experiences.