Matariki Fun and Learning!

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This month at BestStart Kamo Central we have been busy learning about Matariki. The children enjoyed a range of fun filled creative art activities, stories, waiata and provocations. These activities are a wonderful way for the children to learn and make sense of their world through discovery and discussions with their Kaiako.

The children also had a lot of fun learning a waiata about the nine stars, that they practiced every day. We held our annual Matariki evening for all the whanau where the children were extremely excited to perform their waiata for their whanau. We also had a fire pit where they got to experience roasting marshmallows alongside a shared kai. There were also a range of other activities set up throughout the centre during the evening from matariki inspired playdough to creating their own fridge magnets.

The tamariki enjoyed this evening so much that they kept asking when our next matariki night would be.