Matariki glow night at BestStart Maui Street

At BestStart Maui Street, we love celebrating different cultural heritages. One of our priorities is community engagement and to encourage this we invited tamariki, their whanau, and extended family for a Matariki celebration! Matariki was a time to share our learning and get together with whanau and families to engage in some form of learning. This year, we focused on one of our areas of play - painting. 

A week before the celebration, each family donated a vegetable for our soup. The children were involved in helping the teachers prepare the soup by cutting the vegetables on the day of the celebration. At 5:30 pm our whanau arrived at the centre and watched a performance put on by each room. They then had a kōrero with the teachers about their children's learning while enjoying a cup of homemade soup. 

After that, it was time for some fun. We hired blue lights and set up our room with glow-in-the-dark paint. What a fun and exciting evening watching children create masterpiece paintings. The most special part was watching them paint with their whanau. Living our vision of "see me, know me, grow me" in every way possible.