Matariki Night Celebration

Matariki Night Celebration

On the evening of Thursday, 23rd June 2022, our whanau and tamariki came together to celebrate the beginning of the Māori New Year.  

So much change has happened in the last two years since COVID hit our shores. It has been a long time since our families came together, kanohi ki te kanohi. We were feeling excited and a little unsure of what the night would bring. However, we believe the Matariki stars aligned for us to have a great night celebrating with a great turn out of whanau.  

The night was filled with fun, dancing, laughter and meeting new whānau and reconnecting with each other. Tamariki enjoyed kanikani (disco), aweawhe toi me te mahi toa (art & craft workshops), whakaahui kanohi (face painting) and making light holders for our tree planting ceremony. It was lovely to see the concentration of parents giving things a go and making new connections.

The night was not over as we were led by Kaumatua Taku Parai to commemorate the planting of our Matariki Wishing Tree. We reflected on the challenging year that passed and looked forward with hopes and aspirations for the new year. Tamariki, Kaiako and whanau sang with pride as Taku led us in karakia for the special blessing.

We ended an enjoyable evening over hot soup, rewena and fry bread. We would like to acknowledge Kaumatua Taku, our matua Tawera for leading the beginning of the night, David, Jacob & John for helping to plant our wishing tree. And to our amazing Tamariki and Kaiako for a wonderful evening enjoyed by all, ka rawe!

Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori, No reira tena koutou katoa.