Matariki 2023


Matariki te tipua Matariki te tawhito Tau mai te wairua mai i ngā ira Atua ki te ira tāngata. Tīhei Mauri Ora! Nau mai e ngā hua o te wao, o te ngakina, o te wai tai, o te wai māori Nā Tāne, Nā Rongo, Nā Haumie, Nā Tangaroa Nā Ranginui e tū iho nei Nā Papatūānuku e takoto ake nei Tuturu whakamaua kia tina, tina! Haumie Hui e Tāiki e! Matariki ancient and majestic Bring forth your spirit from our providers to our family Tīhei Mauri Ora! I welcome the gifts of food from the sacred forests, from the cultivated gardens, from wild plants, from the sea and the fresh waters. I acknowledge Ranginui (sky father) who is above me and Papatūānuku (earth mother) who lies beneath me. Let this be my commitment to them all At BestStart Somerset Street we celebrated Matariki by coming together, sharing beautiful kai. We reflected on the year gone by and remebered past loved ones. Together, we created a kite to fly over our whaanau to remind us of our aspirations for the future. Our tamariki displayed their poi skills for whaanau to enjoy