Matariki/New Year 2023

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In the month of June, in preschool during mat time we talked about how to keep ourselves warm from severe winter cold. And spoke about different seasons and the weather conditions in that season. At that point in time, we discussed that for Māori people the tangata whenua

(The first people of the land) winter season is the beginning of the New Year Matariki which means the tiny eyes or nine stars. The next day I collected Māori books relating to Matariki and sang some waiata.

This is how our journey of Matariki 2023 started in July. we made some tiki, Kites, whariki (mats), lanterns, and stars with different materials and our always favorite reading myths and singing waiata, and learning phrases in Te reo Māori.

Children of all age groups participated in different learning experiences in their own rooms related to Matariki and we as a centre On Thursday the day before matariki planned to have friendship soup with the vegetable brought by the children.

Children are now aware of Matariki, its importance, about matariki stars and waiata.

Big Thank you to all our teachers, children, parents, and whanau for making this celebration a big success.