Meet Rachel from our infant classroom

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Hi, I'm Rachel, and I have been an early childhood teacher at Montessori Bethlehem for over five years. I am the Head Teacher for the Nido and Bambini classrooms and I love supporting our amazing team of kaiako/teachers to provide a happy and nurturing environment for our little ones. 

At BestStart Montessori Bethlehem, we work closely with our families to establish warm and nurturing relationships and help our infants begin to understand the world around them. Settling infants and babies into a new environment is an important process that takes time and care. Our kaiako in Nido (our baby room) want to ensure they start to build up a relationship with each child and their parents during our free settling visits. 

So, not only you as a parent but your child will be developing connections to their kaiako and their new environment prior to their first day. All our Montessori children build warm and loving interactions with kaiako, this is especially vital for infants in their first year as it stimulates their brain development. This in turn leads to confident, resilient, and independent explorers with a strong sense of belonging. We focus on allowing our babies and toddlers to use all parts of their bodies, and senses and to use their natural curiosity to explore our carefully designed spaces.