Meet the Amazing Team at BestStart Whangamatā

Nau Mai Haere Mai and Welcome to BestStart Whangamatā. At BestStart Whangamatā, we are passionate about play-based learning and connecting with our local community. We have a talented Centre Team and would love for you to meet them. 

Evelyn is our Centre Manager. She has recently taken on the Centre Manager position after teaching in a number of BestStart Centres across the Bay of Plenty. Evelyn is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education in Primary Teaching. Evelyn enjoys building positive relationships with tamariki and their whānau, making them feel welcome and accepted. 

Irene is our talented Centre Administrator. She has been with BestStart since 2004 as an unqualified teacher and Centre Admin. Irene is skilled at helping people and has a nurturing way about her, which makes her a great fit for our Team. When Irene is not busy in the office, she is supporting our team in the Tui and Fantail Rooms. 

Brenda is a qualified kaiako in the Tui Room (Over Twos). Brenda holds a Bachelor of Teaching (ECE) and has 20 years of teaching experience. She has been with BestStart Whangamatā for many years and has also taught at Centres in Wellington. Brenda is passionate about community learning and loves building meaningful relationships with tamariki and their whānau. She is a great fit for our team because she integrates our local community into learning experiences for tamariki. 

Kylie is our qualified kaiako in the Fantail Room (Under Twos). Kylie holds a Bachelor of Teaching (ECE) with 15 years of teaching experience at BestStart and has been at our Whangamatā Centre for seven years. She believes in planning meaningful learning experiences for our under-two tamariki and engages children in "play-based learning". 

Sam is an unqualified kaiako in the Tui Room (Over Twos). Sam joined our team in February 2023 and has already built strong relationships with the tamariki and whānau at our Centre. Sam has nannying experience from working in Australia and is a keen learner. She is always finding new and exciting ideas to inspire our tamariki to learn and grow. 

We are a small team and we collaborate well to deliver high-quality learning and care. Our beautiful Centre is in a small coastal town close to the famous Whangamatā Beach. Come and say hi, we would love to meet you!