Meet the Nursery Team

19 March, 2024
BestStart Ferry Road
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Introducing our AMAZING nursery team…..

Tamali, Prakriti and Leah. 

Tamali: Ko Samanala te maunga Ko Kalani te awa Ko rererangi te waka Ko Sinhalese te iwi Ko Tamali toku ingoa Tamali, originally from Sri Lanka, emigrated to Aotearoa with her husband and 2 sons. Since that time, she has changed career through finding a passion for Early Childhood Education. Currently Tamali has completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Education here in Aotearoa and will soon complete her Graduate Diploma in Teaching – Early Childhood Education. Tamali speaks both Singhalese and English, loves exploring her new home and spending time with family. Central to Tamali’s practice are strong authentic relationships, she loves making connections with children and families alike. 

Prakriti: Ko Himalaya te maunga Ko Satluj te awa Ko rererangi te waka Ko India te iwi Ko Prakriti toku ingoa Prakriti has been with us here at Best-Start Ferry Rd since the opening of our centre. Prakriti stepped into the nursery head teacher position here at Best-Start Ferry Road in 2022, and has been working within the early childhood education sector since 2019. The nursery is what she loves, she receives a lot of joy from supporting families and children whom attend our nursery to flourish. Prakriti speaks Punjabi, Hindi and English. 

Leah: Ko Port Hills te maunga Ko Heathcote te awa Ko Aotearoa te iwi Ko Leah toku ingoa Leah joined us here at Best-Start Ferry RD at the start of 2022 as a newly graduated Kaiako, after having been working with our company for several years as a casual team member whilst she studied. Also prior to starting with Best-Start, Leah spent several years as a parent helper and support co-ordinator for Play-Group NZ which is where her passion for Early Childhood Education began. Leah, a through and through Kiwi, is also a very busy mum of 3! And she loves creativity, always exploring ways to bring creativity into experiences for our pepi and tamariki.

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