Meet the Team at BestStart Te Heuheu Street Kindy!

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Kia ora! Here at BestStart Te Heuheu Street Kindy we have an amazing team to support your tamariki, so get to know them! 

Our Centre Manager is Irihaapeti Frearson. Iri has been teaching for over 14 years and her passion continues to grow as she gets to see our tamariki grow and learn through our centre. 

Our Centre Administrator is Amber Muldoon. Amber has a background in administration and was a volunteer firefighter for 7 years. She loves getting to know all of our children and their families. 

Nerida Salmon is one of our qualified teachers. She has been teaching in ECE for over 30 years. Nerida has had the privilege of even teaching some of our current children’s parents! 

Natasha Hayes is another one of our qualified teachers. She has been teaching for over 20 years. Tash has two children herself, so understands whanau needs and expectations well. 

Daniel Orangi is our male teacher at our centre. Dan has been teaching at BestStart Te Heuheu Street Kindy for over 10 years. He has a passion for sustainability and art, and enjoys sharing his knowledge in his teaching practice with the tamariki. 

Suzi Fulton has recently joined our team here at BestStart Te Heuheu Street Kindy. Suzi has experience in teaching for 30 years and will be our newly qualified teacher in June. She enjoys using her passions in Te Reo Māori and music in her teaching. 

We cannot wait for you to meet our amazing team here at BestStart Te Heuheu Street Kindy, so pop on down to see our friendly staff!