Melling Olympic 2024


Melling Olympics 2024 At BestStart Melling we had our very own Olympics games day. 

Firstly the teachers played the NZ anthem and the whole centre had a Olympic march. The nursery passed the touch to the toddler room, the toddler room passed the torch to our preschool rooms. 

The preschool rooms - Waiti and Waita had three annual games for children to play. They had egg and spoon race, sack race and long jump race. The children who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd all got a gold, silver and bronze trophy. All children that participated also received a medal and a certificate of participation. The children had so much fun. With laughter and joy they cheered for their peers as they raced to the finish line. 

Our toddler room had a car race using toy cars. They also had a ball and hoop race. It was great to see how many children could get the ball in the hoop. Great way to develop hand, eye co ordination. The toddler children also got medals and a certificate of appreciation. 

Our babies room had lots of fun games as well. These games was unique and creative. 1. The fastest crawler. 2. The longest sleeper 3. The fastest bottle drinker 4. The fastest walker and runner. 

Our Olympics day was a delight for all our children and even the teachers had so much fun creating these fun filled games. The highlight of our Olympic event was that each classroom had to create their own room flags. Each room flag represented them and who they were. It was great to see our vision, our philosophy and our localised currciulum come into life through these flags. I hope you enjoy seeing the photos.