Messy Play Day


This month we had a messy play day where tamariki were provided a variety of different activities to explore throughout the day. Messy play is one of the 16 areas of play that we have available regularly. Messy play allows tamariki to explore and learn a variety of skills and actions such as exploring different textures as they use their hands to touch, social skills as they talk and share their ideas with each other, and sometimes even a bit of resilience when they are at first a little hesitant to touch. The teaching team at BestStart Waikanae love getting involved and working alongside the tamariki on many different levels and today was no exception. Some of the kaiako got really involved and also got covered in slime and powder paint alongside the tamariki. Kaiako worked alongside the tamariki extending and supporting their theories and ideas by asking questions. Our parents and whanau played a big part in this too, they all provided the many changes of clothing necessary and recognised that messy play is a valuable learning tool. This is just one of many activities that we do here at BestStart Waiakanae, if this has piqued your interest and you think this looks like a place for you and your child please pop in for a visit and a korero - we would love to show you around!