Messy play in Tahi

Messy play in Tahi

The children in Tahi love to get their hands dirty, so any chance to get involved in messy play experiences, they will take it! 

One of their favourites is corn flour gloop. Who wouldn’t love this? The texture changes from hard to runny depending on how you use it, and they love experimenting with this. Feeling the texture between their fingers, watching it drip from their fingers, smelling, and of course, some always try and get a little taste in. They also enjoy using the equipment and seeing how they can use it to explore the gloop further. 

Through this experience, the children learn about strategies for active exploration, thinking and reasoning. They are using their senses and the equipment around them to learn more about the gloop, how it can be used and what they can do with it. 

They are also extending their social competency skills by playing with and alongside others – this is part of our current group learning focus. They are learning about sharing, turn taking, verbal and non-verbal communication with others and being able to work with and alongside their friends in a fun experience. 

Growing confident learners is our vision within the centre, and messy play experiences are one of our children’s favourite activities to explore and learn about.