Messy play with animals!
We decided to set up a messy play experience using corn flour, water and dye to create some gloop for our tamariki to explore and experiment with. Our tamariki loved using their hands to mix the flour and water together to create a slimy consistency. Our tamariki loved exploring the texture of the gloop, watching it drip through their fingers, and using brushes and utensils to manipulate the gloop stirring mixing and scooping. Our children have had a huge interest in animals and their different habitats, to extend this interest further we decided to add animals to our gloop. We loved discussing the different animals hiding in the gloop and discussing their different attributes. During this experience we were also learning to develop our social skills and learning to work and learn alongside others. This was an experience that lots of Tamariki wanted to take part in. Because of this our children needed to learn to share their space and resources with others. Children are encouraged to communicate with their peers to take turns around the table, sharing utensils and tools as well as learning to care for the needs of others around them. We supported children to this by modelling strategies for peaceful conflict resolution.