Milk & Cookie night in Montessori Rongotai


Milk & Cookie night is a special celebration for 4 years old in Montessori Rongotai, which holds profound significance, fostering a sense of belonging, recognition, and accomplishment within the child. At this age, tamariki are developing a strong sense of identity and thrive on positive reinforcement. 

A special night dedicated to them not only celebrates their growth but also reinforces the value of their presence within the community. Milk & Cookie night imbue a sense of importance and belonging in the child. Being honored in front of their peers and teachers elevates their self-esteem and confidence, laying a foundation for positive self-image. These special events create lasting memories for the child. 

The unique atmosphere, embellished with decorations and a festive ambiance, sets the stage for creating cherished memories. Special activities like tea time and presentations add layers of excitement and engagement, making the occasion even more memorable. Through these experiences, children learn the importance of celebration, forming positive associations with their peers. 

The structured yet nurturing environment of Montessori Rongotai ensures that these celebrations are not just about fun but also about growth and learning. Special presentations or activities tailored to the child's interests and abilities provide opportunities for self-expression, skill development, and creativity. These moments empower children, reinforcing their sense of agency and capability.