​Mānawatia a Matariki 2024!

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At BestStart Bader Street we recently celebrated Matariki at our centre, and invited whānau to join us for the evening. We had an activity set up in Preschool that allowed whānau to create their own korowai that will be displayed on our wall in our entranceway, which contributes to our localised curriculum already in place. 

Next, the tamariki, who had worked hard at practicing a perfomance in the lead up to Matariki, were able to show our whānau what they had learnt. Each room performed something unique and fun, and the tamariki displayed courage standing up in front of a large gathering. The Preschool room showcased two songs - Tūtira Mai Ngā Iwi, and 9 Stars of Matariki, Toddlers room did Ruru Waiata song, and the infants room did an amazing job using poi along with music, with the help of their whānau. 

After the wonderful show, we all shared some kai together - big pots of soup made with vegetables from whānau contribution as well as our own garden at the centre. Yummy fried bread and delicious desserts meant the kai was enjoyed by all. It was a great time to come together and reflect on our community, and strengthen relationships wth whānau.