Mānawatia a Matariki at BestStart Rongotai

1627342270baking making whetu biscuits.JPG
1627342270decorating and eating whetu biscuits.JPG
1627342270Glue and glitter star pictures.JPG
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1627342270making Matariki Banner.JPG
1627342270making matariki pukapuka.JPG
1627342270Making poi (2)(1).JPG
1627342270making poi (4).JPG
1627342270making poi (5).JPG
1627342270Making poi1.JPG
1627342270making star constellations (2).JPG
1627342270making star constellations (3).JPG
1627342270making star constellations (4).JPG
1627342270making star constellations.JPG
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1627342270making whetu biscuits.JPG
1627342271making wool whetu (5).JPG
1627342271making wool whetu.JPG
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1627342303Practicing our Matariki waiata.JPG
1627342303Practising our matariki waiata.JPG
1627342303Preparing the fire for Marshmellows.JPG
1627342303reading pukapuka.JPG
1627342303sharing kai matariki evening (2).JPG
1627342303sharing kai matariki evening.JPG
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1627342303Star Pictures (2).JPG
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1627342303watching the yeast activate when making kumara bread.JPG
1627342303weaving (2).JPG

Over the month of June, we learnt about Matariki, The Maori New Year. We learnt about the 9 stars that make up the cluster also known as Pleiades.

Through books, songs, games, and art, we discovered the connections that each of the stars have with our lives. We learnt new waiata, made poi, used wool to make whetu and collected, prepared and made Vegetable soup, Kumara bread and star shaped cookies to share with our whānau during our Matariki celebration night on Wednesday 30th June.

On the night, tamariki and kaiako sung our special waiata, we ate our yummy kai and ended the night by roasting marshmallows and ‘Stick bread’ on the fire into the evening. It was a magical time.

Nau mai ngā hua

Nau mai ngā pai

Nau mai kia nui

Kia hāwere ai


Welcome all things that have grown

Welcome all things that are good

May they be plentiful and abundant