Mānawatia Matariki


Our children had an awesome month celebrating Matariki. We learned a new waiata to teach our children the 9 stars of Matariki and shared our knowledge of what each star represents through art and stories. We coloured large pictures of each star which helped our children grasp the knowledge through fun activities. 

One of our parents, Zona, worked alongside our tamariki to make ataahua art pieces and kindly donated everything for our children which was absolutely amazing. What our children made looked beautiful and they were very proud to show off what they created. This experience shows how important partnership with our wonderful whanau is to come and contribute to our tamariki learnings. 

To conclude our busy month, we had a kai hakare which was a Hangi (a traditional Maori kai) and our parents kindly provided vegetables that were also prepared by our children and teachers. One of our dads cooked our hangi in a steamer which we hugely appreciated and for our lunch that day, we invited our nursery room to come and share time together with our elder children. 

This was such a wonderful way to end our month of celebrating Matariki together and sharing this beautiful and special event with your children.