Montessori @ Home: Fun With Boxes
During lockdown the teaching team did online lessons via Storypark for the tamariki (children). Here is how one kaiako (teacher) presented Montessori at home to the tamariki.
The Montessori prepared enviornment has specially designed material to help tamariki learn abstract concepts regarding dimensions such as big, small, thick, thin, long and short etc. Two such materials is the Pink Tower which goes from big to small; and the Brown Stair that flows from thick to thin. However, the principles of the Montessori philosophy can be adapted based on your environment.
During lockdown these materials cannot be accessed and we needed to think out of the box and make do with objects around the house that are freely available to children. This kaiako discovered different sizes of boxes around her house, as the recycling was not being collected. She used these boxes to recreate the concepts of big-small and thick-thin as presented in the Pink Tower and Brown Stair. This is simple and fun way for tamariki to explore dimensions at home.
"Only those who are adapted to their environment can be said to be really normal. Adaptation is the starting point, the ground we stand on." ~ Maria Montessori ~ Citizens of the World, p.19
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