Montessori Tour

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Welcome to our new Montessori classroom, let me take you on a tour.  When you first walk in there is a place for your belongings. We have an open area for Practical Life featuring many activities ranging from simple to complex. These activities are chosen to meet our ākonga (learners) needs and interests. There is a dedicated space for all our Sensorial activities featuring the well-known and much-loved Cylinder Blocks and Pink Tower through to the Geometric Solids. Around the corner is our numeracy activities which promote number recognition through to addition/subtraction/ multiplication for our older ākonga and language -based activities where tāmariki (children) learn matching games and letter recognition and formation through to reading and writing sentences. When our tāmariki need some quiet time, they can snuggle down on the comfy child sized sofa and read or chill. Our tāmariki learn about being global citizens through our cultural curriculum involving the Continent animals, boxes and maps. Our tāmariki love learning about parts of a tree or a ladybug through our zoology and botany curriculum.  We enjoy our science curriculum learning what is magnetic, water forms especially a lake or an island or the solar system.  Our ākonga enjoy being creative not only in the dedicated art area but throughout the whole curriculum especially to extend their thinking as independent learners. Lastly our tāmariki enjoy our Montessori programme outside in the fresh air. Our tāmariki are able to take their learning outside including most of our precious especially designed Montessori resources outside. We also enjoy strengthening our gross motor skills through various climbing frames to challenge the children. The tāmariki love to include their friends in their learning too especially in the playhouse and sandpit. Our Montessori curriculum offers all tāmariki the opportunity to be independent learners who challenge themselves.