Morning Rituals


January 2022, the start of a new year!

We would like to show you our morning greeting ritual.

As part of our morning drop offs at BestStart Montessori Rongotai, we have a very special ritual of shaking hands.
The greeting between a Montessori pre-schooler and teacher is very special. It is a key transition of the day and will always be carried out with respect, care and consistency. The initial greeting can often set the tone for the day ahead, therefore, it is important for us to make the greeting a joyful one so that the child feels welcomed and respected.  In this moment, the parent is telling their child that I trust you will be safe here, and the teacher is sitting at eye level waiting for that transition.

Grace and Courtesy is a very important part of our curriculum, where children understand polite social norms, like how you greet someone.  From there they will grab their belongings and independently hang up their bag, coat and take out their lunchbox to put on the shelf, followed by putting their slippers on.

Their morning officially starts now, where they can independently choose a curriculum area they would like to work from as their Montessori work cycle begins.