Moving and Grooving with our Friends

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Here at BestStart Mangorei Rd we love to get out and about in our community. Recently our Kaitake room (under two's) have been going on fortnightly excursions to Twinkle Toes music group to extend on their interest in dancing and developing their physical skills. 

Here our tamariki have been able to get their groove on as they dance to the music and have a chance to make new friends with other children who attend the session. Through attending music group we have been able to support ngā tamariki as they work on developing their physical skills as through music children are able to learn about and gain control of their bodies and become more confident in their bodies and in themselves. Our trips to music group also align with our current group focus on active movement and how we are intentionally teaching and planning experiences to support all children as they develop their gross motor skills and challenge themselves physically.