Moving to learn
At BestStart Mangorei we believe that movement is the key to building cognitive, emotional, physical, and social foundations for early learning. We have noticed our children are naturally drawn to getting involved in hands on opportunities and we wanted to foster this through the many learning opportunities that arise each day.
With a big focus on supporting children’s hauora/well-being we are working on ways to reinforce and extend children’s learning through movement which ultimately supports healthy brain development.
Kaiako engage with children supporting them in opportunities to challenge their physical capabilities in all aspects of their play. They do this through encouraging, supporting, modelling, and suggesting new ways to experiment and explore.
The children are growing in confidence, agility, and are learning to share and explore with new ideas through play opportunities. It is through repetition of movement that helps the brain build and reinforce important pathways that enable the muscles to move more automatically - which is suggested to be one of the brains biggest priority in the early years.