Music Thursdays are Back!

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What a great start to the year all our tamariki have had so far. Everyone is loving being back at preschool and are enjoying getting back into routine. Everyone missed doing music on Thursdays over the holiday period and were very excited to see Michelle.

This time she came with lots of child size guitars for the tamariki to use. Everyone was engaged and enjoyed getting to try out the different musical instruments, learning to follow a beat and develop their fine motor skills to play the different instruments. Music also supports language development and supports tamariki to learn new words in a fun and exciting new way. Having Michelle come and visit supports our kaiako to incorporate more music and movement into our day here at BestStart Allenton. Music is a great way for children to learn about sounds, repetition, turn taking and engaging positively with their peers. 

Tamariki learn new songs and get to use a variety of movements along with their singing and instrument use. We are very lucky that Michelle divides her time with us between the unders and overs on Thursdays so that all our tamariki have the opportunity to experience music and engage with her. We love our Thursdays with Michelle!