My Journey
Teaching preschool-aged children, from 0 to 5, has been a strong passion of mine and I have been fortunate to receive quality education, training, and undergo work experience which has allowed me to embark on another adventure of a lifetime.
As one of my brothers moved to New Zealand for employment, his great sacrifice for our family has inspired me. Initially, the thought of being away from home for the first time and being miles and five time zones away was quite daunting. However, it was also a favourable time and opportunity for me to take a leap of faith at a prime age of 23.
I arrived in New Zealand last August 2017 and I was captivated by the postcard-like sceneries all around me. I felt as if I were in a movie set and the Filipino in me could easily fill up the memory space in my phone with all the breathtaking photos of New Zealand’s raw beauty.
I am blessed to be part of an awesome team in BestStart Northland where I was warmly welcomed, valued, and well-supported as a provisionally registered ECE teacher by seasoned mentors. As New Zealand constitutes of diverse cultures, I had opportunities to authentically share my Filipino-Chinese background to the children, their families, and the community that celebrates the vibrant identities of all people.
With English as a first language both here and in the Philippines, it is a relief that I am able to freely communicate my thoughts and experiences to those around me and it did not take long for me to find a second home here while still being proud to be a Filipino.
Within a span of three months since I started employment, I was able to gain residency with the Lord’s grace and providence. It has been a year since my life-changing decision to be part of the BestStart family and the big leap I made was all worth it for the ultimate welfare of our young children.