Natural Art
The children in the Rua room have always been interested and involved in art related experiences and have been recently exploring new ways of using natural resources to be creative. They experimented with tree branches discovering the different ways they could use it to make patterns. They learnt that moving the branch fast across the page made a different effect than if they moved it slowly across the page. They discovered they could also make another pattern by lightly tapping the branch on the paper.
Another experience they explored was using a box with stones and moving the box side to side to see what patterns the rocks could make on their page. They learnt that the pattern it made was dependent on the size or shape of the rock and the way it moved along the paper.
Through these experiences the children are learning about new ways they can explore and experiment with natural materials and how they can use anything in the environment to be creative with. They learnt about different techniques and resources they could use to make patterns and textures on their page and they learnt about how they can use art to express their thoughts, ideas, feelings and creativity.