Ngā mihi o Matariki | Matariki greetings
Infant House have been singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, using our hands to twinkle up high and singing the lyrics with aroha. Our pēpi and tamariki have been decorating stars in preparation for Matariki. Some whetū were coloured in, and others had different objects, like feathers, glued on to them. Using pens and glue sticks is an activity our tamariki enjoy and it is a great fine motor activity, it strengthens the fine motor muscles in their ringaringa.
Celebrating Matariki in Infant House is all about being together and sharing waiata, kai, creating and listening to stories from our pukapuka.
As our centre comes together in our classroom to celebrate Matariki, on the day of our whānau celebration our class was a hive of activity. We decorated the church, had some incredible pumpkin soup cooking on our oven, the smell was amazing. There was bread to be buttered, labels created for the kai so our whānau with specific dietary needs knew which was safe for them. All the cots had to be moved over to Children’s House. This was a whole centre collaboration-everyone worked together to make our event the best it could be. Special mention to our chef Rick who as always made us the best kai!
On the night of our event, we enjoyed each other’s company, took a moment to be thankful for what we have, contemplate our future dreams, and remember those we have lost in the past year.
Children's House performed the Peace song and Paradise using NZSL. Both beautiful waiata, many of us joined them, singing along.